Anne Snyder
Meet Anne Snyder; the second wife of David Brooks. Her husband is the Canadian New York Times writer, Film Critic, Conservative political critic and author, who is, in addition, a commentator for PBS NewsHour.
As noted Brooks’s wife #2 is Mrs. Snyder, prior to their 2017 nuptials; David has married Sarah Brooks, formerly known as Jane Hughes (changed her name after converting to Judaism). David and Sarah were married from 1986 to 2015.
Sarah and David who met at the University of Chicago had three children, their eldest son Josh, 27, joined the Israeli Army. Now let’s meet Anne.
- Anne Snyder, 23 years David’s junior was born on December 19, 1984; she was Brooks’ research assistant, before getting married the knot on April 30, 2017.
- Mrs. Snyder holds a Bachelor’s Degree (international relations) from Wheaton College and a master’s degree (journalism) from Georgetown University.
- She worked at the The New York Times, World Affairs Journal as well as, at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
- For three years, she was a journalist for the H.E. Butt Family Foundation; she was a contributor to the Washington Post, New York Times, World Affair Journal, City Journal, National Journal, and the Atlantic Monthly.
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- Nowadays, Anne Snyder is the director of the Character Initiative for the Philanthropy Roundtable; she also serves on the board of the Center for Public Justice.
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