Ian Mohr, Elisa Lipsky-Karasz==
CHANDELIER’S RECESSIONISTA Christmas Extravaganza ==
Chandelier, New York==
December 11, 2008==
©Patrick McMullan==
Photo-JIMI CELESTE/patrickmcmullan.com==
Mixing up celebrities and tech with a twist
Ian Mohr, Elisa Lipsky-Karasz==
CHANDELIER’S RECESSIONISTA Christmas Extravaganza ==
Chandelier, New York==
December 11, 2008==
©Patrick McMullan==
Photo-JIMI CELESTE/patrickmcmullan.com==
Steve Jobs’ legacy lies in the amazing products he created, in the lives of the people he met, in … Keep Reading...
People published their story about Amanda Rosenberg the project manager of Google’s project glass … Keep Reading...
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